AvantLink API - Main

Affiliate Modules:

Data Retrieval Subscription Configuration Used By AvantLink Tools

Merchant Modules:

Data Input Data Retrieval Used By AvantLink Tools

Merchant Parent Modules:

Data Retrieval Used By AvantLink Tools

Avantlink API Module: AdminReport


Private authentication required, secure connections (https://) only.


This module provides direct access to the same internal reporting functionality that is provided by logging into the Administrative interface at classic.avantlink.com.

Supported Output Formats:

  • csv
  • html
  • tab
  • xml


  • auth_key
    • Type: string
    • Required: true
    • Description: The AvantLink assigned authentication key for a particular affiliate or merchant. This is a randomly generated, 32-character, mixed alphanumeric string.
  • module
    • Type: string
    • Required: true
    • Description: For this module, specify "AdminReport".
  • report_id
    • Type: integer
    • Required: true
    • Description: The numeric identifier of an AvantLink report.
  • affiliate_group_id
    • Type: integer
    • Required: false
    • Description: The numeric identifier of a custom affiliate grouping.
  • affiliate_id
    • Type: integer
    • Required: false
    • Description: An AvantLink assigned affiliate identifier.
  • date_begin
    • Type: date
    • Required: false
    • Description: For custom date ranges, the start of the date range. Must be specified in "yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss" format.
  • date_end
    • Type: date
    • Required: false
    • Description: For custom date ranges, the end of the date range. Must be specified in "yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss" format
  • date_range
    • Type: string
    • Required: false
    • Description: A named date range. If specified, this takes precedence over a custom date range. Valid values are: Today, Yesterday, Prev7Days, ThisMonth, LastMonth, ThisYear.
  • email_recipient
    • Type: string
    • Required: false
    • Description: The email address of the person/people to send results to.
  • filter_network
    • Type: string
    • Required: false
    • Description: None available.
  • include_inactive_merchants
    • Type: boolean
    • Required: false
    • Description: A boolean value to indicate whether or not to include inactive merchant programs in the report results (1 = yes, 0 = no). The default behavior is to NOT include inactive merchants.
  • merchant_group_id
    • Type: integer
    • Required: false
    • Description: The numeric identifier of a custom merchant grouping.
  • merchant_id
    • Type: integer
    • Required: false
    • Description: An AvantLink assigned merchant identifier.
  • merchant_parent_id
    • Type: integer
    • Required: false
    • Description: An AvantLink assigned merchant parent identifier.
  • output
    • Type: string
    • Required: false
    • Description: The specific output format you wish to receive results in. Possible values include: csv (comma-separated text), html, js (javascript document.write statements), rss, tab (tab-delimited text), and xml (the default). Individual modules may not support all output methods.
  • send_as_attachment
    • Type: boolean
    • Required: false
    • Description: A boolean value indicating whether the report should be sent as an attachment to an email (1 = yes, 0 = no).
  • send_email
    • Type: boolean
    • Required: false
    • Description: A boolean value to indicate whether an email response should be generated by this API request (1 = yes, 0 = no).
  • tool_type
    • Type: string
    • Required: false
    • Description: An abbreviation for a particular type of AvantLink tool.
  • transaction_id
    • Type: string
    • Required: false
    • Description: A sales transaction id, a.k.a. order id.