AvantLink API - Main

Affiliate Modules:

Data Retrieval Subscription Configuration Used By AvantLink Tools

Merchant Modules:

Data Input Data Retrieval Used By AvantLink Tools

Merchant Parent Modules:

Data Retrieval Used By AvantLink Tools

Avantlink API Module: ProductPriceCheck


Affiliate access, no authentication required.
Frequency limitation(s): 3600 request(s) per hour. 15000 request(s) per day.


This module allows you to get a real time price check on a merchant's product.

It can also be used to retrieve the full pricing history for a product, to illustrate any known price changes that have occurred over time.

Supported Output Formats:

  • csv
  • tab
  • xml


  • affiliate_id
    • Type: integer
    • Required: true
    • Description: An AvantLink assigned affiliate identifier.
  • merchant_id
    • Type: integer
    • Required: true
    • Description: An AvantLink assigned merchant identifier.
  • module
    • Type: string
    • Required: true
    • Description: For this module, specify "ProductPriceCheck".
  • sku
    • Type: string
    • Required: true
    • Description: The merchant's product sku that you would like the pricing information for.
  • datafeed_id
    • Type: integer
    • Required: false
    • Description: Some merchants have multiple datafeeds. If you specify the datafeed id it will search that specific datafeed for the specified sku. If not specified the API will search all available merchant datafeeds for the specified sku.
  • output
    • Type: string
    • Required: false
    • Description: The specific output format you wish to receive results in. Possible values include: csv (comma-separated text), html, js (javascript document.write statements), rss, tab (tab-delimited text), and xml (the default). Individual modules may not support all output methods.
  • show_pricing_history
    • Type: boolean
    • Required: false
    • Description: Whether or not to return the full date-stamped pricing history for this product; default is no (only the current price will be returned).
  • show_retail_price
    • Type: boolean
    • Required: false
    • Description: A boolean value to indicate whether you would like the product retail price. The default is to just return the lowest price (1 = yes, 0 = no).