What happens in Vegas… Affiliate Summit West 2016 Top Seven Takeaways.

asw16 blog title


What happens in Vegas… produces lasting results!


Vegas survived another great Affiliate Summit West with a lot of great connections, opportunities, and good old fashioned face-to-face meetings.  We’d like to thank all of those that stopped by our new booth or met with the team out and about.  Nothing beats connecting in person.

We asked the AvantLink ASW16 Team what their favorite takeaways were and have come up with our top seven Affiliate Summit 2016 takeaways.  Let us know what we missed in the comments!


Leslie and Jacqueline ASW16

AvantLink’s Leslie White and Keep.com’s Jacqueline Wladis talking about Keep’s revolution on how women discover and share trending products.


In-person meetings are and have always been a huge benefit in developing relationships, which is exactly what affiliate marketing is.  Attribution continues to be a big topic, but we discovered that many people have a misconception of the difference between attribution and actionable attribution. Savvy merchants will find the right solution and affiliates will see a more accurate commission based on their actual contribution to the sale, even when they weren’t the last click. It’s an exciting time to be in the performance marketing space.

– Leslie White


Sarah Jess, Justin

AvantLink’s Jess Skrypek and Sarah Hohman meet with Justin Merrell from Get Your Fit.


AvantLink’s Affiliate Department was a hot topic of conversation throughout the show. I had a TON of meetings with affiliates so I was able to put a face with the name and it was awesome to engage, build interest and set expectations for the year ahead. Meeting in person can’t be beat and we’re already seeing results!

– Jess Skrypek


ASW16 AvantLink Team

Leslie White, Jess Skrypek, Sarah Hohman, and Vanessa Isaacson showing off the new AvantLink Booth on ASW16 floor. Oh and Disrupto Bot…


As a first timer to ASW, I would say the most important thing I took away was not to shy away from conversations with people that initially might feel like the wrong fit. Take a few more seconds to really understand their perspective. If they’re not the ideal partner, sometimes they have ideas or secondary contacts that might lead to something great.

– Vanessa Isaacson


nick and trivago-2

AvantLink’s Nick Bullard and Team Trivago discussing their program live in all three AvantLink networks, US, Canada, and Australia.


I would like to emphasize how important it is to be able to meet with existing clients and affiliates face to face.  While we all spend a lot of time developing strong partnerships via email, nothing can replace meeting someone in person – even if it is just a quick “hi” at the booth.  In addition, meeting new clients in person is still one of the best ways to jumpstart relationships, and can often lead to a faster sale cycle and results for our clients.

– Nick Bullard


AvantLink and Slickdeals.com

Jacob, Phillip, and Natalie from Slickdeals.com talking with AvantLink’s Sarah, Leslie, and Vanessa discussing attribution and more!


Attribution was THE topic of conversation for merchants and affiliates alike, but many people still don’t fully understand the value, purpose or why real-time, actionable attribution is so much more powerful than the alternative. I had a lot of conversations about how AvantLink and AvantMetrics create value for affiliates as well as the merchant. The impression is that when attribution is implemented, affiliates start losing sales to other affiliates but AvantMetrics does the exact opposite, it allows you to be paid even when you weren’t the last click in the path to purchase.

– Sarah Hohman




Ahh the simple things.  There’s so much talk about the really advanced stuff, theoretical management tactics, advanced solutions, etc., the core functions of affiliate marketing can get lost. Managing and participating in a successful affiliate marketing partnership is still heavily reliant on great communication, active collateral updates, and actionable accurate reporting.

– Chad Waite


uh oh disrupto

It was Vegas after all. Who can blame Disrupto Bot for a little too much fun?


ASW16 gave me ample opportunity to meet with high-value merchants, both current AvantLink clients and prospective opportunities.  Because of our booth/suite strategy, we had so much more flexibility in the way we scheduled meetings, and we were able to cater the meetings and meeting places to meet the needs of the clients and discussions we needed to have in a much more efficient way. Another great summit and I’m looking forward to Affiliate Summit East 2016!

– Scott Chaplin