Our Final Push to $10K – Will You Take Action?


We’ve had some extraordinary participation in our AvantLink Ten Year Charity Challenge since we launched the campaign last month. We’ve donated a total of $8,495 to charity: water, fulfilling our pledge of donating $5 for every mention of @AvantLink or #AvantLinkTen on Twitter and/or Facebook. In addition to that, we’ve had $980 donated from our partners, employees, and industry insiders. On behalf of AvantLink, we are truly thankful for all that has been given in this effort to raise funds for nations without access to clean drinking water.

But, we’re not done yet and we need YOUR help! We are still $1,505 away from hitting our $10,000 donation goal to mark our 10 year anniversary of disrupting the status quo. So, we’re upping the ante. In an effort to make your message worth even more, AvantLink is now donating $10 for every Tweet or Facebook message that mentions @AvantLink or #AvantLinkTen. What does that mean? We only need 150 shares to hit our $10,000 donation goal, and YOU can help get us there.

Here’s how YOU can participate:

  • Share on Facebook: Partners are invited to talk about what we are doing on Facebook by sharing our campaign link (http://avantlink.com/ten-year) and mentioning our @AvantLink handle. We’ll donate $10 for each share or mention.
  • Share on Twitter: AvantLink will donate $10 every time you mention us on Twitter using the #AvantLinkTen hashtag. You can even simply RT some of our water facts!
  • Direct Donation: Sharing is caring, but we welcome donations too! If you’d like to take it to the next level, visit our charity: water donation page and consider leaving us a message with your donation.

Read more on AvantLink’s Ten Year Anniversary and our Charity Challenge:

  • Our Partners Make a Charity Challenge Splash: See which partners jumped in to raise awareness of the need for clean drinking water.
  • The More Your Share, The More We Donate: Learn why we picked charity: water as an organization to support.
  • Why the AvantLink Team Supports Charity: Water: See what our team members have to say about our Charity Challenge.