Our Partners Make a Charity Challenge Splash


What makes AvantLink different from our competitors? It’s simple: Our highly-valued partner relationships that round out the AvantLink network. It’s what makes our company feel like a family. As we mark our Ten Year Anniversary this month, we look back and really honor all of our partners who have helped establish AvantLink as the leading affiliate network.

Speaking of valued partners and our Ten Year Anniversary, we’ve had some astonishing participation from both affiliates and merchants who have taken part in our Ten Year Charity Challenge to help us raise funds for charity: water. Here is a quick highlight of what a few of our partners have done to help us bring clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations.

  1. TheGoodRide.com: Going above and beyond simply sharing our message, the incredible team at The Good Ride have stepped up to the plate with a considerable donation offering: At the end of the month, they will be donating a full day’s worth of commissions. TheGoodRide.com offers some of the best and most in-depth snowboard gear reviews in the industry and we are overjoyed to have their generous participation in the Ten Year Charity Challenge.
  2. AffiliateManager.com: Known as one of the best “Premium Outsourced Affiliate Management Services”, Affiliate Manager is a prized partner who has not only shared our message with their team in an effort to spread awareness, but they’ve also directly donated to our charity: water donation page.
  3. FlipGive.com: With a business model based around giving, the team at FlipGive is passionate about using technology to drive positive social change. We love working with the great team there and are honored that they directly donated to our charity: water donation page in addition to sharing our message on their social channels.

A big “thank you” to all our partners who have jumped in to participate in our Ten Year Charity Challenge by either sharing our message or donating to our campaign. All of our partners are truly special and we are incredibly thankful to have had the opportunity to develop and grow such fantastic relationships over the last 10 years.

If you are interested in joining us in our Charity Challenge, we welcome you to take part!

Here’s how YOU can participate:

  • Share on Facebook: Partners are invited to talk about what we are doing on Facebook by sharing our campaign link (http://avantlink.com/ten-year) and mentioning our @AvantLink handle. We’ll donate $5 for each share or mention.
  • Share on Twitter: AvantLink will donate $5 every time you mention us on Twitter using the #AvantLinkTen hashtag. You can even simply RT some of our water facts!
  • Direct Donation: Sharing is caring, but we welcome donations too! If you’d like to take it to the next level, visit our charity: water donation page and consider leaving us a message with your donation.
  • Get Creative: Join us in our efforts to raise awareness and funds by creating your own campaign like TheGoodRide.com where they are donating a full day’s commission to bring clean and safe drinking water to developing nations. Leave us a comment if you need some ideas and we’ll reach out to you.