AvantLink Weekly Roundup: Content Strategy

At the University of Taking Your Affiliate Marketing Content Strategy to the Next Level, we offer courses in why you should screen and approve affiliate applications within seven days, the value of blogging in advertising, and how to create content that sells without needing to sell.

Stay after class for two tools that give you the stats you need to be strategic, and to hear about our newest merchant programs.

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Tool of the Week


If you run a tip-top merchant program, you’re probably using AvantLink’s reports to keep tabs on performance. But did you know that you can set up subscriptions to your reports? We have an article and video explaining how to use the reporting tool and set up subscriptions to reports you frequently need quick access to.


When you’re looking for new merchant programs, or trying to find an awesome product on sale from a program you already belong to, you’ll find them in the Merchant Datafeed on AvantLink. In fact, we have a nifty report, called the Merchant Datafeed Quality Report, which gives you insight into each program’s data feed, and the pros and cons, including a data quality rating. Read our article on the Merchant Datafeed Quality Report and check it out from your affiliate dashboard.

New Merchant Announcements

The Jamin’ Leather affiliate program offers all things leather for the biker or fashionista in your reader. Take advantage of the launch promotion of 10% commission for the first 90 days, and 7% commission after that on a 30 day cookie. Apply on the Jamin’ Leather program description page.

The California State University, Long Beach Fortyninershop has a mission to expand minds, and provide books and supplies and training for students. Earn 5% commission on a 30 day cookie, and help enhance the support education at CSULB. Apply on the CSULB Fortyninershop program description page.

Don’t forget to finish your homework over the weekend!