Here’s What Merchants & Agencies Think Of Commission Splitting

Merchant Thoughts On Commission Splitting

In an earlier post we recapped the concept of affiliate attribution and its actionable counterpart, dynamic commission splitting.  Affiliates then weighed in with their opinions on attribution, providing excellent insight into why they see it as the next generation of affiliate marketing and what makes it valuable to them. If you missed that it, you will want to take a couple minutes to read it and catch up.


Because below are insights and opinions on attribution from folks on the other side of the affiliate marketing spectrum. In-house managers and agencies everywhere are starting to make the move towards more data-driven affiliate programs powering commission splits for all affiliate referrals involved in making sales. We asked several of these thought-leaders to shed some light on why they’ve made the update to an affiliate program with full attribution.

Paul Schroader, PS Web Solutions

“I have always been a big believer in rewarding affiliates for the value they provide. Attribution gives us the ability to understand affiliates’ roles in the conversion path and reward them accordingly.”

Chuck Hamrick,

“Attribution has been here for a number of years and continues to mature. Future iterations will reward all touch points in the click stream. This is all important to content and review sites who often get trumped by last click. We need to grow and foster these affiliates and reward them for their original content and quality reviews.”