5 Reasons AvantLink Should Be Your #1 Stop At Affiliate Summit West 2017

The AvantLink booth should top the list of places to visit at Affiliate Summit West 2017 in Las Vegas. The show, which is right around the corner, takes place January 15-17 and you will no doubt start seeing a lot of requests to “visit us” or “meet our team” or “join our white label pharmaceutical affiliate program before the show!” over the next few weeks.

[clickToTweet tweet=”5 reasons I am visiting the @AvantLink booth at #ASW17″ quote=”5 reasons I am visiting the @AvantLink booth at #ASW17″]

So why? Why should you put AvantLink at the top of that list? Here are five reasons:

  1. Meet the team: Every company running a booth at ASW will say “you should come meet our team”, but we’re incredibly serious about this. AvantLink prides itself on having 10x better customer support than any other network, and our team members are what drive that. Put faces to the emails you’ve likely corresponded with in the past and learn why we are truly so passionate about helping you succeed.
  2. Learn about seasonal performance, trends and more: We love data. We love trends. We also love to discuss those with our clients. Discuss and learn about trends, network performance, and even Cyber Monday and Black Friday stats with our team.
  3. Full-scale attribution and commission splitting: Many AvantLink merchants are adapting next-generation commission splitting structures based on attribution data to keep all referrals happy. This is affiliate attribution at its purest. Learn how it can impact and help your efforts as an affiliate marketer.
  4. Learn about AvantLink’s amazing tool suite: AvantLink is best known for high-impact but easy to use affiliate tools. Learn how these tools work and how they can help grow your sales in ways that go beyond the quintessential banner ad.
  5. Keep on top of network updates and changes: Stay in the loop with recent updates and improvements to the AvantLink network. Like our awesome new coupon reporting for merchants. Or AvantExpo 2017. Or the huge number of new merchant program launches for affiliates.
Sold yet? Hopefully, because we count on talking to you, existing client or not, while we’re at Affiliate Summit West. We’ll be at booth #604. See you there!