Comments on: Top 5 Reasons Your Affiliate Application Was Denied Get up-to-date news, best practices, and insights for the affiliate marketing industry. Mon, 25 Apr 2022 18:20:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: AvantLink Mon, 26 Feb 2018 19:58:00 +0000 In reply to Charles Carpeaux.

Hey Charles. Thanks for reaching out. We’ve passed your comment to the applications team, they’ll be reaching out to you in a moment to get thing sorted out. Thanks!

By: Charles Carpeaux Mon, 26 Feb 2018 18:57:00 +0000 So If your new to having web site and a distributor has asked that you use avantlink as there go between to there site and denied that’s pretty crappy. How does one ever build a connection. Or is this a political thing because I have a gun related business. hummmm

By: AvantLink Wed, 08 Nov 2017 15:54:00 +0000 In reply to Kimball Rexford.

All great questions, Kimball. In fact, we may have to dive into that more in-depth in a separate blog post, but a few items quickly in this comment:

– Your limited space dictating who you work with is completely legitimate. At some point you’re going to have to prioritize, and merchants will understand if you choose not to accept an invite.
– On the other hand, accepting an invite but not actively engaging with the merchant is fine as well. You can always keep those relationships available for when you may need them. Many affiliates have merchant relationships on ‘idle’.
– That last point actually opens up a chance for the merchant to truly prove just how much they want to work with you. If they send you a request to join the program and never follow up, what does that say? Alternatively, if they reach out and actively try to contact you for strategic planning or just high level conversations for a start, then that may show the merchant is a bit more invested in your relationship than your other merchants may be.

Obviously a lot more to be said here- we’ll see if we can turn this into a blog post down the road. Great comment!

By: Kimball Rexford Tue, 07 Nov 2017 21:54:00 +0000 Thanks. I’d love to see the next step in the process, for affiliates that are already in the network. What’s the best practice for identifying merchants to pair up with? How do we know a merchant might be a great fit? What are the key data points on merchants affiliates should be looking at?

I feel bad when I turn down merchant request’s when I do not see us as the right fit, but space is limited I only run a few ads per page. Is there a down side to telling merchants no thank you? And the flip side of that: is it bad to accept a request but not running any of their ads? I might accept so they can buy paid placement, knowing I’m not going to run ads because I don’t expect any sales.

If I think the merchant *might* be a fit I’ve started asking the affiliate program manager follow up questions. I also layout what I expect or what has been working on my site. This dialog seems to help a bunch. I get a sense for who they are and how responsive they might be, where they might take the program, ways we might work together, and what the value might be for my site.
