Top Ten AvantLink New Features for 2014

Taking a look back at 2014 we noticed a lot of great new features to the AvantLink network.  Take a look below and let us know which one is your favorite or how you have used it.

  1. Australian Network – AvantLink made the move down-under for greater reach and flexibility for both our merchants and publishers.  If you haven’t joined yet and have an Australian presence check it out at
  2. SnapVisi – My favorite tool for 2014, hands down!  SnapVisi puts the power of context in every affiliate’s hand.  With just a bit of  JavaScript, gift guides are taken to the next level!  Blow away your users and check it out.
  3. Real-time Tracking and Reporting – AvantLink’s interface and tracking is all real-time with zero delay.  It’s that simple and that cool.
  4. SnapDealist – automatically scans the datafeeds of your merchants and delivers the lowest priced, most relevant product options in a completely responsive and customizable widget.
  5. Tag Management 2.0 – AvantLink made the leap from simple tag groups to dynamic tag group rules that allow adjustable cookies, commission, referral restrictions, tracking parameters, and a lot more!
  6. Utah Business Fast 50 – AvantLink was on the Utah Business Fast 50 list for the second time this year.  Thanks to all that helped get us there!
  7. New Customer Tracking – Wouldn’t it be great to be able to determine which of your affiliate sales are due to new customers?  Now you can.
  8. Dynamic Text Ad Integration – Text ads convert at a higher rate than image ads.  If your text is outdated though this can be a frustrating user experience.  When affiliates use AvantLink’s dynamic JavaScript integration of text ads, updates are seamless.  When an ad is updated by the merchant the affiliates website is updated (within 30 minutes).
  9. Bulk Ad Editing – If you’re managing 20 – 100 ads you know the pain of going into each individual ad and making changes.  We will have no more of that thank you.
  10. Restrict Ad Campaigns to Multiple Affiliates – Rewarding your affiliates with a specific offer can be tedious if you have to upload a specific ad for each affiliate.  That’s so 2000s.  Welcome to the future.