Winter is here. Time to check your email preferences!

Winter is here!  Have you checked your email preferences lately?

Okay so winter coming to Park City, UT has nothing to do with email preferences but we’re excited here at AvantLink about finally getting some snow (we know and encourage anyone that doesn’t want their snow to send it our way).

We have also updated/minimized how we send network announcements and want to make sure you know what else you’re missing when you select not to receive emails.  Just check out the benefits of emails below:

Turning emails off gets you literally nothing. 

Leaving emails on provides countless benefits such as:

  • Engaging your Merchants/Affiliates – The relationship between merchant and affiliate is best when it’s symbiotic and that requires communication.  The Merchant to Affiliate email is a great way to engage in a two-way conversation.  Take a few minutes to go through the most current offers and decide if you have the best ad on your site for your specific category.  You can also get more details by responding and asking!  Merchants love to hear from affiliates so let them know what you have going on as well.  Affiliates have very detailed control over the merchants that can send them emails as well, so check out the information below to find out how you can choose!
  • Recruiting – If you’re an affiliate and turn off your global email preferences you cannot be recruited and you do not receive emails from merchants with their most up to date ads.  AvantLink does not offer mass recruiting functionality so you will only receive offers when a merchant has looked at your information and decided they would like to work with you.
  • AvantLink Email Improvements – We have overhauled our entire network email process.  For affiliates we are only sending one newsletter every two weeks!  The newsletter includes a summary of new merchants and relevant articles and content on the affiliate channel.  Merchants will start to receive a newsletter every two weeks soon so stay tuned….
  • Program Performance – Engagement between affiliates and merchants is what helps build both merchant programs and sales on affiliate sites.  Affiliates and Merchants both have great data, ideas, and offers and simple two-way communication can have a huge impact!

If you’re getting overwhelmed with emails let us know.  Check out your email preferences today and make sure the choices you made are not having consequences that you were not aware of.

Enjoy the day and check out instructions on how to check your email preferences today!


  • You can set your preferences globally to receive emails under Account –> Contact/Payment Information.

  • You can also set your email preferences for each individual merchant.  Just click on Merchants from within the interface then select Allow or Deny.


  • You can set your preferences globally to receive emails under Account –> User Account Information.  We promise to keep emails to a minimum!