How To Configure Ads With The ‘Coupon/Deal Campaign’ Option

Setting up new or editing existing ad campaigns is a common task for AvantLink merchants. When making these adjustments, program managers will see a checkbox option in the ad configuration screen that indicates “this is a coupon/deal campaign”.

When a program manager is configuring an ad that represents a sale, coupon or event that saves the end user money, this option should be used. Selecting this box will indicate whether an ad is a deal-oriented ad or not and triggers two additional and valuable functions.

Adding a coupon code to the ad

The Coupon/Deal configuration option on new ads followed by the coupon code box.

The Coupon/Deal Campaign configuration option on new ads followed by the coupon code box.

When the coupon/deal option is checked, the configuration tool will display an addition field allowing for coupon codes to be appended to the ad. Adding a code triggers the text ad to show an additional sentence that says “Coupon code: XXX“. Here is what these campaigns look like when used by an affiliate:

Notice how the whole text ad is clickable, including the added coupon code portion at the end.

Notice how the whole text ad is clickable, including the added coupon code portion at the end.

The ‘Coupon Code’ field is purely optional, so if there is no code, no problem. That said, affiliates can search for ads based on being deal-oriented or containing coupon codes. If your new campaign is representative of a sale, be sure to select the ad as deal-oriented.

Affiliates can search for new ads based on if they are deal-oriented or if they contain coupon codes.

Affiliates can search for new ads based on if they are deal-oriented or if they contain coupon codes.

Finally, the coupon code field will not be appended as written text to image-based ads. If you have an image ad that has been marked as a ‘Coupon/Deal Campaign’ and there is indeed a coupon code associated with it, it’s assumed that the coupon code is included in the image collateral.

Automatic aggregation with the Dynamic Deal Feed

One of the most powerful tools AvantLink offers affiliates is the Dynamic Deal Feed. This RSS-like tool automatically detects and displays new deal-oriented ads from merchants that the affiliate chooses. When one of those merchants creates a new ‘Coupon/Deal Campaign’ ad, it will be pushed out to the affiliate’s website. This is all accomplished without any work needed from the affiliate.