Introducing the Arches Agency Dashboard!

We are excited to announce the latest evolution of the Arches platform, the agency dashboard! The new dashboard is designed to help manage multiple merchant programs and analyze their performance quickly, as well there is a handful of additional new features!

The new dashboard for agencies is now visible when you manage two or more merchant accounts which provide a comprehensive overview of each, and consists of four components, which all can be customized and saved.

The components of the dashboard include:

Quick Stats: How are my programs doing? Evaluate all of your merchant program’s KPI’s at a glance.

Trend: What was the increase after my last promotion?  See how your programs are trending over time.

Comparison: How are my programs doing compared to last year? Measure your program’s growth.

Top Affiliates: Who are my top partners across all of my programs?  Identify the partnerships that are excelling.

Want to dive deeper into one of your merchant accounts?  Simply use the Merchant Dashboard link to view a specific merchant’s dashboard.  Use the account switcher to toggle between merchants.