Top 7 Takeaways from Affiliate Summit West – 2015

Most of the AvantLink Attendees have made it back from Affiliate Summit West 2015 and we wanted to share our top seven takeaways.  So take a look and enjoy.  Please let us know what we missed and what you thought of this years show in the comments.

  1. Relationships matter; partnerships are better:  Every single one of AvantLink’s ASW15 attendees echoed this sentiment.  Putting a face to a name, brainstorming, getting pending or new initiatives started, or just being introduced is one of the most powerful aspects of Affiliate Summit West.  – Everyone
  2. New Customer tracking and rewards: The next big thing in the affiliate channel is the ability to track new customers.  Merchants love new customers and AvantLInk’s implementation of new customer tracking has and can prove, the affiliate channel delivers.  Kevin Kotzian
  3. Conquering google: Affiliate’s focusing on building an engaged community around their brand is the most effective tool to combat a volatile and unpredictable Google.  – Chad Waite
  4. Changing of the terms: Apparently the term “lead gen” has become “promotional opportunities” – Chad Waite
  5. Actionable Attribution: There was large interest in actionable attribution to strengthen relationships with content rich and product comparison affiliates, e.g., the end of last click wins.  Andy Benton
  6. Mobile Mobile Mobile: Mobile advertising and business models are growing and seemed to be a big buzzword for 2015.  – Leslie White
  7. Content Affiliates Value:  The resurgence in the importance of content affiliates due to attribution.  AvantMetrics [AvantLink’s multi-network and multi-channel tracking and advanced attribution solution] was incredibly well received because of the ability to encourage good content production and a fairer reward for all affiliates in the click-stream. – Scott Chaplin

Leave a comment and let us know what you would add and see you next year at ASW16!