Don’t Miss AvantLink’s Booth #214 at Affiliate Summit East (ASE)



Are you and yours going to Affiliate Summit East? 

We are so excited to be at ASE and would love to see you.  Pop over to booth #214 and say hi to the AvantLink crew and find out more about our top-five reasons to work closer with AvantLink:

  1. Supercharged Program Management – Meet some of AvantLink’s Top Program Managers.  Learn more about this service and what they can do for both Merchants and Affiliates.
  2. Stunning Affiliates – Looking for quality affiliates? Find out more about how AvantLink vets it’s recruits and why we turn away 70% of all affiliate applications.
  3. New Customers are the bomb!  Learn about how AvantLink’s technology lets you reward affiliates for bringing new customers to your site.
  4. Multi-Network Attribution, De-Duplication, and Click Stream Clarity – Find out about AvantMetrics, the premiere multi-network attribution and reporting tool that provides the data needed to make significant improvements to your affiliate experience.
  5. Pioneering Technology – Find out about the most cutting-edge technology in the affiliate marketing space today.  We love to show it off.

We are so excited to be in the city that never sleeps.  Let’s connect and come up with new ways to partner and drive more conversions!

See you there!