Think Outside the Inbox

Think outside the inbox 924


Affiliate program managers receive an abundance of emails offering coupon codes and deal sites every single day. Sorting through those options is a chore within itself, leaving you little time to strategize and create those outside the box solutions for clients’ programs. So what I’m going to ask you to do seems drastic, but I promise it will be worthwhile: Step away from your inbox.




It’s easy to get lost in the deals that deluge your inbox. And I’m not discounting the power of coupons and vouchers, but pairing those traditional offerings with relevant technology can greatly increase your program results. Technology partners can elevate your program from an endless push of special deals and codes, to a consistent driver of online traffic and new customers for your clients. You won’t find these opportunities in your inbox, but it will make your network even more effective when you mix those different types of channels and activities if you take the time to look.


The Search Begins

Now that you have minimized your inbox (congrats!) it’s time to flex your creative muscles. Start with some competitive research. Looking at partnerships listed on your competitor websites and browsing old press releases will give you a baseline for existing opportunities. Is there a technology company that consistently works with your industry peers? That right there is a potential partner. Also, try taking a closer look at the technology vendors who participate in industry events. If you already plan to attend an event, why not spend five minutes at a booth learning about a new solution? You may come away with some great ideas to incorporate into your network. Not everyone can go to every event, but you can still look at the sponsorship or exhibitor lists online. A quick online search of the companies can give you a feel for their offering and whether it’s an opportunity worth further pursuing.


How Do You Know?

One of the biggest challenges in finding technology partners that fits into your network is that they don’t often fit the traditional affiliate program mold. Don’t become preoccupied with categorizing your potential partners. New technologies are emerging that break down traditional affiliate barriers. A technology partner may be a mobile app, downloadable software or a toolbar. Evaluate how an overall solution can benefit your network instead of trying to pigeonhole a vendor into a single category.



All technology partners were not created equal. There are a few specific things you should look for when researching potential partners:

  • Do they agree with your affiliate terms and conditions? – There are enough hoops you have to jump through within your own network. Having to revise your terms for a single partner can be inefficient and cause a lot of unnecessary work for you. Look for technology partners that mirror the delivery and performance points of your advertisers. It shows they’re flexible and value you as a partner.
  • Does it require end-user installation? – Browser add-ons can be a valuable extension for vouchers and coupon deals. Shopping software like ShopAtHome and Cartwheel Shopping help promote existing deals. Unfortunately, you lose the ability to monitor the quality of the software once the program is downloaded. How can you prove your program results when you have no access to the metrics? It’s simple, you can’t. Having a partner that allows you access to every customer touch-point and engagement throughout the buying journey will help you to consistently refine your program and achieve better and better results.
  • Is a long-term commitment required? – Be wary of providers that require a long-term contract and a baseline fee. Just as affiliate programs are only pay-per-performance, your technology partners should do the same. Companies that work off the PPP model demonstrate confidence in their program without needing the safety net of an annual or monthly fee.




It’s easy to get stuck inside your inbox. As a result, advertisers miss out on valuable technology partnership opportunities. This is your chance to step outside the (in)box and create solutions that bring your clients valuable long-term program results.