AvantLink Weekly Roundup: Black Friday & Cyber Monday Aftermath

After getting through the biggest shopping days of 2016, with Cyber Monday reaching $3.9 billion in online sales, what’s next? Plus, this just in, we put together a case study with Clique Affiliate Marketing on how to grow a mature affiliate program. See how they increased ROI for Natchez Shooters Supplies by 40%, using AvantLink’s network.

We covered the stats from the AvantLink network in our Black Friday and Cyber Monday by the numbers articles. Looking at the data, some interesting questions come to light about what drives different shopping behavior. We’re seeing an increase in mobile sales across the board, and banner/text ads are the reigning champions of conversions. Also, with online shopping accounting for such a huge amount of sales, the path of the consumer to the product becomes more interesting.

AvantLink released an update to reporting this week that provides coupon code data, so you can see the coupon codes associated with affiliate-referred sales. The more data you can have, the better you’ll understand shopping behavior and how influencers work, so were very excited about this new update.

As holiday shopping deadlines draw nearer, we’re moving forward with end of the year strategy webinars for affiliates and merchants. We’ll discuss ways to transition seamlessly into the new year and new promotions. Sign up using the links below to learn our tips and tricks.

[clickToTweet tweet=”After the huge shopping days this holiday season, what’s next for affiliate marketing? Sign up for our webinar and get some tips!” quote=”Click to share the webinar with your network, and help your friends prepare for the new year!” theme=”style4″]

Tool of the Week


One way to keep up with quickly changing holiday promotions is the Dynamic Deal Feed. You can configure this feed to display recent promotions from merchant programs you belong to, and it will dynamically update as promotions change. This is a great way to keep promotions displayed on your site current without having to manually update.


Merchants can keep current promos at the ready by scheduling ad campaign version changes using the Ad Campaign tool. As long as it’s the same size, you can schedule an to update the ad image and/or description on a date and time of your choice. So if you want to set your Christmas ad to switch over to a New Years promotion on December 25th, you can schedule that in ahead of time and enjoy your time off.

That’s all for this week. Don’t forget to sign up for our webinars above, and stay tuned for more strategies to get you through the end of the year!