AvantLink-Up SoCal a Success Despite COVID-19

We hosted an AvantLink-Up event on the sunny beaches of Southern California earlier this year. Amidst the onset of the social distancing practices being implemented due to COVID-19 by many states, and even companies in our network like Patagonia, the event was still well attended and very productive.

Link-Ups are a new twist to affiliate marketing meetings, we call them “A Nimble Approach to the Traditional Conference.”  They are designed to focus on intimate group sizes, pin-pointed discussions, and productive interaction with the AvantLink team and other industry leaders, you are sure to realize a benefit from your involvement at one of these events.

Early in March, a team from AvantLink met up with multiple advertisers and publishers in Santa Monica at the Annenberg Community Beach House. Scott Kalbach, AvantLink CEO, started the day off updating those in attendance about the new Arches platform and the general vitality of the AvantLink business. UpSellit‘s, Jeremy Aaronson, gave a great overview of their services/platform that everyone found informative. Additionally, Advertise Purple was on hand to introduce everyone to their affiliate management agency, which by the way is located just down the way from where we hosted the event. Lunch on the patio was a huge success (we hope everyone tried the fresh churros!) and transitioned into a very productive open networking session.

Our goal with the Link-Up events is to provide a venue where our advertisers and publishers can mingle and enjoy a day away from the normal ins and outs of the business. By creating this casual environment, we hope to inspire discussions that might take on an unexplored direction. We feel there is incredible value in this approach to business and believe new working partnerships can be formalized here. As an added benefit, our business development team uses our Link-Up events to introduce prospects to our platform, but they get to see it through the lens of partners already realizing the benefits of working within the affiliate space, which is a win for everyone.

And we shouldn’t fail to mention the incredible SWAG bag that our affiliates all went home with. There were shoes from KEEN Footwear, a variety of water bottles and tumblers from Stanley, as well as beach gear from Rumpl and SunSki.

We closed out the day enjoying new company and playing on the beach. A surf lesson was offered, as well as multiple beach games that included cornhole and small court soccer.

We definitely will be hosting more Link-Up events in the near future and hope that we see you at one! Details for AvantLink-Up can be found HERE.