Visit AvantLink At IRCE 2013 In Chicago!

Internet Retailer 2013

AvantLink will once again be heading to The Windy City in June to exhibit at the Internet Retailer Conference and Expo, better known as IRCE.

This will be AvantLink’s third time attending IRCE as an exhibitor and we’re excited to be returning to Chicago for another chance to meet with new and existing clients alike. Will you or your company be at IRCE? If so, we want to see you! Here’s how to find us:, Booth #661

IRCE, June 4-7th, Chicago

Here’s who you can look for at the AvantLink booth:

                 Scott Chaplin, Director of Biz Dev                 Chad Waite, Marketing Manager

                  Scott Chaplin, AvantLink                          Chad Waite

If you’re planning on attending IRCE, contact us and let us know when you’d like to drop by and we’ll look forward to seeing you in Chicago!