AvantMetrics – Affiliate Marketing Analytics

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Introducing AvantMetrics from AvantLink.com!

AvantMetrics is an online marketing analytics tool (and pixel container) that provides data on the entire customer click stream leading up to a sale, rather than details on the last click only. This is where Affiliate tracking is headed, and you saw it here first.

Having the AvantMetrics pixel container in place allows you to add or remove other tracking pixels without interacting with the shopping cart code. This alone saves time and money for obvious reasons.

AvantMetrics is also our network default first-party tracking. The default tracking is free, but additional service levels can be activated for a small fee (based on traffic volume). With version one release additional service levels include:

  • Pixel Container Functionality
  • Custom Commission Attribution Rules
  • De-duplication of Multi-Network Sales
  • De-duplication of Internal Marketing Channels
  • Detailed Affiliate Referral Data

The idea is to provide more detailed insight into customer click stream data. For example you might assume that coupon sites are setting cookies while the customer is in the check out process. With AvantMetrics referral reporting you can make better informed decisions based on actual data, rather than on assumptions.

If you have your Affiliate program in more than one network, AvantMetrics can also de-duplicate multi-network sales with logic that only fires the appropriate tracking pixel, for the appropriate network.

There are several reasons for developing this tracking platform, but primarily it’s an issue of transparency and providing detailed click stream data that goes well beyond traditional last click reporting other networks offer. Having this information is becoming more and more crucial to maintaining a sustainable and profitable Affiliate program.

Visit AvantMetrics.com for more info including problem/solution scenarios. If you have questions, or to convert your current AvantLink tracking to AvantMetrics drop us a line.