New Merchant Functionality: Restrict Exclusive Ad Campaigns To Multiple Affiliates

For merchant who utilize our exclusive ad assignment functionality to make one-off ad campaigns available to just one specific affiliate, the tool became unusable when there were more than just one affiliate to assign an ad to. Now, there’s an update to the exclusivity functionality that allows program managers to assign exclusive ads to more than just one individual affiliate. Here’s how it works:

1. Start by grouping the affiliate who will receive the exclusive ad into a custom tag group. To associate a tag group with an affiliate, log into your account and head over to “Affiliates>Affiliate Applications” and search for the affiliate you’d like to offer the ad to. Once you pull up that affiliate’s application, hit the “Details” option on the left to bring up the additional information popup box. From here, select the tab that says “Tags” and add any categorization tag of your choosing to that affiliate.

2. Once the appropriate affiliates have all been added to the same tag group, it’s time to make the new exclusive ad and select that specific tag group of affiliates that will receive that ad. To do this click on “Tools>Add/Edit Ad Campaigns>Create A New Ad Campaign”. From here you’ll be taken to a typical ad configuration screen.

(Side note: If you’re looking for some guidance on how to properly manage and create new ad campaigns, be sure to check out this video on dynamically updating ad campaigns.)

Once the exclusive ad campaign is configured, find the very last option that says “Affiliate Restriction”. From here, ad campaigns can be restricted to either individual affiliates or, now, groups of affiliates that you have tagged, just like what’s pictured in the photo below.

For you merchants who actively create one off and exclusive ad campaigns for multiple affiliates, we hope this is some new functionality that you find useful. As usual, if you have any feedback on this new update or have a suggestion for a tool you would like to see, let us know in the comments below!