New Affiliate Tool: Snapsearcher Product Search & Price Comparison Engine

Affiliates, here’s an early Christmas present for you! A new affiliate tool called the Snapsearcher is available right now on the AvantLink App Market, and this is one you won’t want to pass up.

The Snapsearcher gives you the ability to drop a fully functional product search tool on to your site in a matter of seconds, letting your visitors search for any product by scanning your merchant’s datafeeds for that specific product. Better yet, visitors can sort results by price, making the Snapsearcher a turn-key price comparison engine. Too good to be true, you ask? Not at all, provided you have a meager 30 seconds to configure the tool and put it on your site.

1. Find The Snapsearch On The App Market

The Snapsearcher is located in the AvantLink App Market, a place for anyone with a great idea for an affiliate marketing tool to develop it and make it available for all of the affiliates on the AvantLink network. Learn more about the App Market and take a look at all of the other powerful tools available to you as an affiliate right now!

To access tools within the App Market from your affiliate account, log into your account and head to “Ad Tools>App Market>Browse Apps“. From here you’ll be taken to a list of all available applications, including the Snapsearcher.

2. Configure Your Snapsearcher Preferences

Once you’ve clicked on the Snapsearcher link pictured above, you’ll be taken to a very straightforward configuration page to set up your tool. Start by selecting which website of yours you’ll be placing the Snapsearcher on, followed by the color you’d like the tool to be. You’ll then be asked to configure several options including number of search results, inclusion of a default search term, displaying only on-sale items, inclusion of a price slider in the widget, and minimum/maximum prices.

Once everything has been configured to your liking, the code for the tool is at the bottom of the configuration screen.

3. Paste The Code On Your Site

Drop the Snapsearcher code on your site anywhere you’d like to offer your readers a price comparison/product search tool. For a live example of the Snapsearcher, take a look at how it’s used on this outdoor gear price comparison site.

On a final note, some of you may be thinking that Snapsearcher sounds very similar to the popular SnapLinker custom link builder. This is no coincidence as both tools were developed by Justin Ball, so follow him on Twitter at @SnapSearcher or @SnapLinker for the latest updates on both and to say thanks for yet another amazing affiliate tool!