The Benefits of Partnering with a Dedicated Affiliate Network

There are many reasons to move affiliate relationships from the likes of an Amazon program to a network partnership like AvantLink.

  • Streamlined communication with internal company contacts. This may lead to more strategic partnership opportunities, such as product reviews or increased commission/flat fee payout arrangements. 
  • Direct merchant partnerships. This gives you the opportunity to promote a greater selection of products (color, size, etc.). 
  • Higher commission rates. Average commission rates range from 5%-10%.
  • Longer cookie durations. Average cookie durations range from 30-60 days.
  • Dedicated support from AvantLink’s account management and AvantLink support teams.

AvantLink partners with strong advertisers/merchants in product categories that will experience commission decreases on platforms like Amazon. Some examples include:

As publisher/affiliates review options to replace revenue lost from Amazon lowering affiliate commission rates, the AvantLink team urges you to consider applying for our networks.  It is as simple as clicking HERE.