Affiliate Apps That Make Display Ads and Links Painless | AvantLink App Market

So you’re an affiliate marketer looking for affiliate apps that make your life easier… But there isn’t really a place like the Apple or Android app stores that’s designed for affiliates.

Or is there? In fact, the AvantLink App Market is the place to get affiliate apps (and develop them). It’s AvantLink’s answer to app stores, and it can make your life a lot easier in a variety of ways. After watching a quick overview, we’ll detail each affiliate app available and how it can help your strategy.

Apps on the AvantLink App Market can be found on your AvantLink affiliate dashboard under Ad Tools > AvantLink App Market.

Top Affiliate Apps on the AvantLink App Market


Best Deal

Buy Button





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The AdRotatorPlus app was developed by This tool allows you to display Deal of the Day or image ads, and set how often each ad displays. You can set certain ads to be displayed more–or less–frequently than others. Watch the video below for more instructions.

Best Deal

The Best Deal app was developed here at AvantLink. This app will dynamically pull the single best deal from a given merchant and display it. You can create, edit, and remove multiple Best Deal widgets, and select widget templates as you like.

Buy Button

The Buy Button app was developed by VR Interactive. This app adds a “buy now” button to your site and shows relevant merchant product search results based on any search. This app also has an API and WordPress plugin available.


The SnapDealist app by SnapDealist adds the most discounted products to your content. It scans your page for classes and elements and uses the content to determine which products to display. This is a fast, easy way to provide your readers with more resources. See the video below for more info.


SnapLinker (developed by SnapLinker) makes building custom affiliate links easier than ever. Just add the SnapLinker to your browser bookmarks, and click it while looking at a product or page you want to promote. The app will generate a custom link right there that you can copy and paste into your affiliate content. See our SnapLinker Tool Guide and watch the video below to learn more.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Create affiliate links right from your browser with SnapLinker (Free)!” quote=”Create affiliate links right from your browser with SnapLinker (Free)!” theme=”style4″]


The SnapSearcher by SnapSearcher is an app that takes care of itself, and drives sales without lifting a finger. Simply copy and paste a line of code onto your site, and you have a product search function. This search bar doesn’t pull results from your site–it finds products from all of your merchant partners, turning your affiliate page into a product search engine! See how it works below.


The SnapVisi app by SnapVisi is a simple yet powerful tool that ads great functionality to your images. This app enables you to add affiliate links to your images. So, if you’re reviewing a product, you can make the image link out, as well as your written content. Watch it in action below!

All of these affiliate apps are excellent resources to add to your tool box. If you’re an affiliate on AvantLink, these apps are completely free (and easy to set up). Not an affiliate at AvantLink, but like what you see? Apply here.