2017 Affiliate Marketing Technology | AvantLink Weekly Roundup

We’ve started the new year with a fresh perspective on 2017 affiliate marketing technology. You might have picked up on this in our posts on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but affiliates are becoming even more important to marketing strategies for major retailers. For instance, Black Friday sales on our network were up 30% in 2016!
[clickToTweet tweet=”2017 will bring change to affiliate marketing–don’t get left behind! Here’s our predictions.” quote=”Share AvantLink’s perspective on 2017!” theme=”style5″]

2017 Affiliate Marketing Technology: Looking Forward

So where do we go from here? Merchants should be thinking about attribution technology. For instance, do you have insights into every affiliate that takes part in a conversion, or just the final click? Imagine how those insights could help you shape your strategy–not just for your affiliate program, but for all your marketing efforts. Also, our attribution platform–AvantMetrics–enables you to integrate third-party tools using our tracking pixel.
Affiliates are doing very well. So how can we keep doing better? We definitely saw a rise in mobile sales this year, so optimizing your site is a must. But also, it doesn’t hurt to continue improving your SEO strategy with the ever-changing search engine algorithms. See our article about 301 redirects for more info on that.

Tool of the Week



With attribution in mind, read the article linked above, and also check out this video about AvantMetrics. At the very least, it explains why attribution can be a valuable tool.


With mobile optimization in mind, it might pay off to read (or reread) our post on reducing your bounce rate. Leave me some comments, and let me know if that helps at all, or if you have any ideas! (Thanks in advance).

New Merchants


The Alvin Community College Affiliate Program is live on AvantLink! Help students find the books they need, and the supplies to get through that wonderful, ephemeral time: college. Apply today at the Alvin Community College program description page.

EuroOptic.com is one of the best resources around for precision shooting, hunting, and safari enthusiasts. Get on board with this great program at the EuroOptic program description page.

Margaritaville is exactly what it sounds like. The embodiment of casual–a state of mind you walk around in. Literally. Margaritaville apparel offers an array of clothing and products that help you chill. Market this awesome chill gear–sign up at the Margaritaville Apparel program description page.
[clickToTweet tweet=”View the latest & greatest merchant programs on AvantLink!” quote=”See merchants you like? Click to share them with your fellow affiliates ;)” theme=”style5″]

Thanks for joining the AvantLink team in the new year! Stop by next week, and don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the comments! We really appreciate your feedback and insights!