Why REI’s affiliate program went exclusive with AvantLink : A Case Study

REI and AvantLink

As many of you may know REI made the decision to consolidate their affiliate program from multiple networks to AvantLink exclusively in 2014.  We wanted to find out exactly what led to the decision as well as show some of the results.  REI was generous enough to allow us access to their logic, reasoning, and results and we think it’s pretty interesting.

As the case study demonstrates REI had three main reasons for making the move exclusively to AvantLink’s affiliate platform:

  1. Affiliate Quality
  2. Relationships and Messaging
  3. Reporting and Tracking

Click here to download/view the full case study and let us know what you think in the comments below.

We would like to extend our thanks to UJ Cha and Jordan LeBaron from REI for all of their help in making this a reality.

Interested in learning more about the advantages of operating in a single network or next steps in making your program exclusive? Contact your account manager to get started.