The More You Share, the More We Donate!

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Since launching our AvantLink Ten Year Charity Challenge, we’ve personally donated over $6,215.00 to charity: water and it’s all because of you! Yes, YOU! Every time you tag @AvantLink or #AvantLinkTen, you are taking part in our Ten Year Celebration and as a thank you, we are donating $5 to charity: water. Yes. With every single share. But we still have some work to do!

As of today, we are 62% of the way to meeting our $10,000 donation goal ($1,000 representing each year we’ve been in business). That means we only need 757 more shares to fulfill the charity challenge. Help us help others by continuing to tag us in your Twitter and Facebook posts, or simply retweet our messages to help raise awareness of the international water crisis. With your help, we can really make a difference.

So, why are we donating $10,000 to charity: water?

  1. Passing it Forward: Growing a business from initial idea into a thriving disruptive technology platform during the course of ten years is pretty remarkable. AvantLink has found great success with its fantastic partners and talented team. To celebrate all the we’ve accomplished, we wanted to mark our Ten Year Anniversary with something larger than ourselves. That’s why we decided to pass it forward. What better way is there to celebrate success than allowing others that same opportunity.
  2. The 100% Model: With the desire to make the most impact possible, the team here at AvantLink chose charity: water because we are passionate about giving our all. And giving our all meant that we needed to find a charity that use 100% of public donations to fund their projects. charity: water fit the bill!
  3. Why Water? Clean water equals health, income and education, all of which we are passionate about. Without access to clean water, basic life needs are stifled and communities aren’t able to reach their full potential. It’s a simple, smart investment where every dollar goes a long way.

Did you know?

  1. A Little Goes a Long Way: Just $30 can provide clean water for one person. That means our $10,000 donation is going to help 333+ people get access to clean drinking water.
  2. ROI that Matters: Every $1 invested in an improved water supply and sanitation project can yield $4 to $12 return from the local economy.
  3. Food Supply: When a water project is built in a community, members can use the new water source to grow and secure their own food supply. Self-sufficient households are less affected by conflict, famine or inadequate government services.
  4. Gender Equality: In most rural communities worldwide, women and young girls are responsible for walking to collect water for their families. Building a water project nearby can give women the freedom to pursue an education or earn extra income.
  5. Disease Prevention: Clean water alone can reduce water-related deaths by 21%. On top of that, proper sanitation can reduce water-related deaths by 37.5% and handwashing alone can reduce water-related deaths by 35%. Access to clean drinking water is a basic life need that most people take for granted every day. But many people in developing nations don’t have that luxury. Without clean drinking water, local communities, overall health, and the economy all suffer. Help us help those who need access to clean water the most. Together, we can make a difference!

We invite you to join us in our AvantLink Ten Year Charity Challenge and help us raise funds for All you have to do is mention us (@AvantLink or #AvantLinkTen) on Twitter or Facebook and we will donate $5. Help us reach our $10,000.00! The more you share, the more we donate!

Learn more about the AvantLink Ten Year Charity Challenge here.

You can also directly contribute to our Charity Challenge by donating to charity: water on our donation page.